Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Year Blogiversary: An Exercise in Neglect

Today marks one year since I started this blog. I have decided that if I ever want to get this thing off the ground I will have to do one of two things:

Write more, or, hire Vladimir Putin's publicist.

In the spirit of celebration, I post for you a retrospective of the finest Putin setup shots, starting with yesterday's "discovery" of Grecian urns. Please enjoy.

Fearless Leader urns his keep! L-O-L!

"No, I find nothing unethical about creating her bed from her mother."

"Bro, I told you I could take two twelve-year-olds without even looking."

Shirtless horseback riding is largely viewed as a brazen display of masculinity in Russia, and totally not gay.

Horseback riding in a suede jumpsuit and boots with the fur is largely viewed as a brazen display of masculinity in Russia, and totally not gay.

Putin goes whaling with a crossbow; fat douche from Whale Wars is unavailable for comment, as his shorts are literally filled with shit.

This is why Russia's debt will never get downgraded.

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