Sunday, September 2, 2012

Arbiter Elegantiarum Turns Two!

Terrible two-year old.

Arbiter Elegantiarum's two year anniversary has come and gone, and like the deadbeat blog pappy that I am, I only noticed over half a month later.  This year saw many great successes in the blog; partiularly the Carly Rae Jepsen piece, which has just under 4,000 views as of this writing.  To provide context, this represents a 100% increase over normal readership.  My thanks to the conspiracy theory community for actively clicking on anything containing the word "Illuminati" or derivatives thereof. 

Now that the blog is two, I will be implementing some formatting changes mostly out of consideration for my time constraints, and your attention span.   While the standard format of short essay may still appear from time to time, I will refocus my energies toward pieces more guided by the notion that "brevity is the soul of wit."  Please see the last sentence for a reason as to why that may be difficult for me.

Having said all this, I can perhaps demonstrate the advantages of saying less.  Here is a portrait about which no reasonable commentary can be made:

Young Boy In a Red Suit, Holding a Bow and Arrow by William Devis

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