Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Death of: Dignity

This man is the most obvious choice for the personification of dignity.

Welcome to "The Death of" Series here at Arbiter Elegantiarum!  In this series, we - and by we, I mean I - intend to prove that the concept in question simply cannot exist in a time during which the accompanying stories could occur.

Today I have learned that the President of the United States has agreed to appear in a potential film sequel to the HBO series Entourage.  I feel a more apt selection would have been Il Cavaliere, (of the "bunga bunga" fame) but alas, these decisions are not mine to make.  There is, nonetheless, something disappointing about witnessing the pursuit of celebrity over that of respectability by a sitting president.  I would open the umbrella of  "pursuit of celebrity" to include appearing in a bizarre annual segment named after you in which you explain your NCAA picks; selling campaign tchotchkes created by twenty-three different fashion designers; and, keeping a wish list of "surrogates" for the upcoming election that reads more like an Oscar party guest list.  It would be unfair of me not to consider, however, the role that the American palate's turn towards such cloying tastes has played in these decisions.

Let us then take a short step back in time, and turn to a woman who herself has recently been made into a Hollywood character.  I invite you to watch the below excerpt from an interview of Margaret Thatcher taken by Swedish interviewer and prodigious asshole, Stina Dabrowski:

Agree with her political viewpoints or not, one must admire how she handles the temptation to engage in gimmickry.  While I hope that one day we return to a world in which it would be unseemly for our president to so eagerly pursue celebrity, I do get the nagging, cynical feeling that we are more likely headed down the road to a future  President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

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