Thursday, August 19, 2010

Recession-Proof Business Plan: Coming to a Late-Night Infomercial Near You...

Amazing things happen when you are bored at work. I came across the below website while Google imaging a picture of a hot dog to send to a co-worker. Context will not save me here, but, for about two months, there was this recurring smell of hot dogs in our area; I guess this was my way of exploring creative ways to complain about it. We never actually identified the source of the phantom stench, but, I always suspected (and still do) that it was the hoggish secretary around the corner - affectionately referred to as "Wench" - who consumes a steady diet of weight loss supplements, pop chips and overripe fruit. (We suspect the latter is for purposes of clandestinely catching a mid-day buzz.)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Tribute To My Muses:

Below you will read the creative product of my daily commute. It is written in the style of the epic poem, more or less set to the rhyme scheme of The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. I dedicate it to the many women who unknowingly served as my muses. You are the Lad[ies] in Red to my Chris De Burgh, and you continue to inspire me every day. I love you.

One Million Ghetto Bitches

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Local Authorities Deem History Channel Unwatchable

I will spare the reader the contrived or potentially self-important tone of the obligatory "welcome post" and jump right into commentary. Suffice it to say, this blog serves partially as a personal record of thoughts on any and all things, and with luck a forum for others to enjoy.

As one of those jerks who haughtily refers to himself as a "student of History" in casual conversation, I used to think there was at least one channel I could relate to in the unfortunate sensory deluge of so-you-think-you-can-dance-your-fat-Kardashian-ass-off-with-vampire-Guidos-in-3D programming. This is no longer the case. History Channel has now relegated itself to the odious realm of what I can only refer to as "White Trash Programming." Let us now explore this most tragic of roads to perdition.